Friday 26 November 2010

Mounted police charge at children in crowd

The controversy over the Met Police's illegal imprisonment of children in freezing cold open air conditions as they were kettled (trapped) for hours during a peaceful protest on Tuesday is growing. Police have claimed that they stopped the protest after some violent elements started to attack a police van, but this is questionable, since many in the crowd have subsequently said that they were already blocked off at this point, so the police must have decided to shut off the protest for some other reason. Also, if you saw the news footage from the Helicopter, it was clear that the police could not have kettled the protesters in reaction to the attack on the van, since they blocked them off only a few hundred meters up the road, and already had a line of riot vans blocking off the road. Footage has also emerged which shows horseback police charging spontaneously at the crowd.

Click here to see the video on You Tube

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