Monday, 11 April 2011

IMF cuts UK growth forecast to 1.75%, but...

Why do we need "growth" anyway?

Growth in the current economic climate will inevitably be counter productive.

Soaring commodity prices show excess demand, and growth is only going to drive that up and bring the economy down with it just like 2008 only worse.

In order to get jobs, we need to redistribute wealth through progressive tax and welfare policy.

The current "recovery" is both jobless and unsustainable. Supply of core materials- oil, metals, food, is inadequate to satisfy future growth for the time being.

We need investment in renewable energy and Green jobs, not manufacturing intensive, commodity intensive GDP growth, which at the moment is weighed down by the inflation it itself is causing.

Don't you think oil prices are high for a reason? Arab revolts.

Don't you think Arab revolts happened for a reason? High food prices.

Don't you think high food prices happened for a reason? High oil prices (lots of oil used in the production / distribution / packaging of food).

It's time to join up the dots and change track.

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